HA clearly has its advantages. Hence why we have performed thousands of PenisFill® premium HA successful treatments. However the main feedback from patients, is that the volume and size increase, is fantastic and met their expectations. However the treatment would be further optimised, if the results lasted longer and they didn’t need to come back once every 12-18 months for a top up.
They would also prefer if the volume gained by the filler felt more firm,hard and stiff. So that when erect, it feels like a rock hard penis. Therefore feeling more natural.
PLLA produces a result which is more firmer than HA and the results lasts almost double the length of HA. With some studies reporting close to 5 years in longevity*
This is because PLLA stimulates dermal fibroblasts to intensely lay down your own dense and tightly cross linked, natural collagen in your penis. This collagen is naturally permanent, and will take years to break down. And because it is your own collagen, which you grew yourself, which becomes part of you ( just like muscle growth and hypertrophy) nothing on the market will feel as natural as your own collagen being stimulated by PLLA injections. Collagen also has the highest natural viscoelastic properties, hence why it feels the hardest and firmest in the penis, compared with other fillers.
* J Am Acad Dermatol 2010;62:448-62
* Palm MD, Goldman MP. Patient satisfaction and duration of effect with PLLA: a review of the literature. J Drugs Dermatol. 2009;8(10 Suppl):s15-s20
* Individual results vary. Around 50% of the product will remain 2-5 years from date of implantation. Individual longevity of results vary between customers.